A semi-curated blog of computer graphics and rendering.
Of Shaders & Triangles


Paper Talk: Topology-guided accelerated vector field streamline visualization
Rasterizing Gaussian Splats (The CUDA-less Way)
Rendering a Perfect Sphere in OpenGL, then an Ellipsoid
Worley and His Noise (Worley Noise/Voronoi Noise)
LuaPT Showcase: Week 6
Writing a Pathtracer in Lua, Week 5: LuaJIT and BVH
Writing a Pathtracer in Lua, Week 4: True Multithreaded Lua
Writing a Pathtracer in Lua, Week 3: Rudimentary UI and Parallel Computing
Writing a Pathtracer in Lua, Week 2: Model Loading & Intersection
Writing a Pathtracer in Lua, Week 1
Radiant Flux, Intensity, Irradiance, Radiance, and the Rendering Equation
Micro-Mesh Overview (Part 1)
OpenGL Billboards
The Mandelbrot Set
A Rough Idea of How Photon Mapping Works
Model Loading Using TinyOBJLoader
Raymarching Grass
Linear Transformations, Scene Graph, and Animations
Understanding the Basics of ReSTIR DI
Depth of Field in Raymarching Scene
Ordered Dithering
Raymarching Clouds
The LookAt Matrix
Dissecting the Fruxis Shader, Part 1
Spherical Harmonics & Precomputed Radiance Transfer
Perlin Noise: What Is That?
Hash & Noise

About This Category

Ways & techniques to render stuff onto the screen. Half of the blog’s content should fall into this category.